Thursday, December 24, 2020

Reflections of FIP Programme

विदा होने से पहले...

सुबह के 9.30 बजे...

इतनी भाग-दौड़ के बाद भी 9.30 हो ही गए। अरे यह क्या, 9.31... ये सिस्टम भी न... एन वक़्त पर नखरे दिखाता है... चलो, आया तो सही...

कैमरा तो ऑफ कर ही देता हूं। दाढ़ी बनाए छह दिन हो गए, अनुराग सर क्या सोचेंगे... ओह... 9.33... चलो लोगिन तो हुआ।

सामने स्क्रीन पर जांभोजी के तस्वीर के साथ आवाज़ कानों में पड़ती है... तम मिटे अज्ञानता का... ज्ञान की नव भोर हो...

एक लंबी श्वांस लेता हूं, आंखें बंद... और अज्ञानता का अंधकार धीरे-धीरे छंटने लगता है... ईश्वरीय अनुभूति का अहसास...


नोटबुक में तारीख डालता हूं... और साथ ही दिन... पहला दिन, दूसरा दिन, तीसरा... पंद्रहवां... पच्चीसवां... उनतीसवां... हाथ कांपता है अंतिम दिनलिखते हुए... चलो रहने ही देता हूं... यह जो कारवां जुड़ा है, यह अनंत है...

यह तो आभासी दुनिया थीं, जिसमें एक भी शख़्स से रूबरू नहीं हुआ, फिर काहे का कारवां... दिमाग़ प्रश्न करता है।

-आभासी??? दिल प्रतिप्रश्न करता है- अनुराग सर आभासी हैं? वंदना मैम आभासी हैं?    

-नहीं, वे तो हमारे गुरु हैं...

-फिर कौन आभासी हैं? अरूप सर?

-अरे नहीं, वे तो हमारे अंतर्मन में बस चुके हैं, बरसों तक उनकी आवाज़ कानों में ख़नकती रहेगी। सुदूर प्रदेश से... पहाड़, नदी, नाले, खाईयां लांघती हुई। हैलो सर... हैलो सर... हैलो... हैलो... हैलो...

-और साग्निका मैम?

-अहिंदी भाषी होते हुए भी उनकी हिंदी में इतनी ख़नक कैसे है?

-हिंदी दिल की भाषा है न इसलिए। अब तो मिल गया ज़वाब?

दिमाग़ अब शांत है, दिल से कहता है- भाड़ में जाओ, तुम जो सोचते हो, वह करो।    


वंदना मैम ने शुरू में ही कहा था कि प्रोग्राम पूरा होने पर आपका जाने का मन ही नहीं होगा।

होगा भी कैसे मैम?

आपने कभी इस प्रोग्राम को बोझ नहीं बनने दिया। जैसे छोटे बच्चों को संभाला जाता है, पहली, दूसरी कक्षा के... वैसे संभाला है आपने।


और अनुराग सर... काश... ऐसे टीचर हमें पहले मिलते। अब तो अनुराग सर की तरह ही बनना पड़ेगा।

मुझे कॉलेज के सर याद आते हैं, जिन्होंने एग्ज़ाम ड्यूटी से बचने के लिए झूठी कोविड पॉजिटिव रिपोर्ट बनवा ली थी।

...और एक अनुराग सर हैं कि कोविड पॉजिटिव होने के बावजूद पूरे प्रोग्राम में रोजाना सुबह से लेकर शाम तक साथ बने रहे।


पांच बज रहे हैं... हम सवाल पर सवाल दागे जा रहे हैं।

यह हमें हो क्या गया है... छोटी-छोटी बातें भी पूछने की होती है क्या?... थोड़ा ख़ुद का दिमाग़ भी लगा लो यार... ख़ुद को प्रोफेसर और कहते हो... मैं झल्लाता हूं।

पर अनुराग सर मुस्कुराए जा रहे हैं और जवाब दिए जा रहे हैं।

प्रजेंटेशन कितना भी बिगड़ा हो... डेली रिपोर्ट कितनी भी खराब बनी हो... पर अनुराग सर हमेशा उत्साहवर्धन ही करेंगे।


और अब... इस आभासी दुनिया के ये चेहरे, तीस दिन में संगी साथी बन गए हैं। किसी का चेहरा, किसी की प्रोफाइल पिक्चर, किसी का नाम, किसी का मैसेज़... बरसों बरस तक स्मृतियों में बने रहेंगे।


डॉ. राजपाल सिंह शेखावत

फैकल्टी इंडक्शन प्रोग्राम-2,3 (18.11.2020 से 23.12.2020)

असिस्टेंट प्रोफेसर-हिंदी

राजकीय कन्या महाविद्यालय, पीपाड़ सिटी, ज़िला- जोधपुर, राजस्थान-342601

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Exploring Learning Management System for HEIs to Combat COVID-19

With the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, there is emerging a trend to facilitate learning through an online platform. Prior to this situation usually, e-learning technologies attracted a small number of teachers. As and when there was a call for utilizing digital technologies in educational endeavors, mostly teachers hesitated to use the same. But now in COVID 19 has brought a new analysis of SWOC for teaching technologies with reference to digital technologies. In a world where knowledge is a mouse click away, the educational system must change too. In fact, this global crisis symbolizes challenges for the educational system to be more responsive, flexible, and resistant.

If we talk about the delivery of online learning. I am surprised to see the surroundings where A is very curious about taking his class in virtual mode and searching the platforms. B is engaging his class on ZOOM, Google Meet, or other similar platforms. Students are now totally confused when their teacher sends a message to them Install the particular app and tomorrow at 6; PM there will be class. Meantime there is another message from another teacher, download the app (which is different from the previous one), and tomorrow there will be a class and the time will be announced shortly. Pity on these types of arrangements. It is clear that due to pandemic covid 19, online learning is now a necessity. And necessity is not the mother of invention but also innovations. So is the case with the online learning system. Using technology in teaching and learning is now a mandate or essential concern for institutions and teachers also. This is a remembering fact that effort  done online learning is 10 times greater than offline education.

 In the delivery of online learning, there should be a Unified Learning Management System through a Flipped Classroom Approach. Unified learning management line up design, develop and delivery across two axes; curriculum and platform.  In this particular system, institution or teacher design and develop standard-based curriculum including best practices. MOODLE, CANVAS, COURSE BUILDER are some popular LMS in the Indian scenario. Every institution or teacher who wants to deliver online education must have LMS. These LMS are free of cost and paid basis also.

Learning Management System (LMS) is a software platform that supports a range of uses from fully online courses to hybrid, blended, and flipped learning. Learning Management System (LMS) assists in managing, delivering, and evaluating e-Learning Programs. The LMS allows for the delivery of materials and communication to students, administration of tests and assignments, record keeping, early alerts, and much more.”

Features:  There are the different features of LMS which make it unique one for virtual learning.

  1. ·         Announcement Facility
  2. ·         Notes Facility
  3. ·         Document Facility
  4. ·         Multimedia Gallery
  5. ·         Learning Track Facility
  6. ·         Links Facility
  7. ·         References Facility
  8. ·         News Facility
  9. ·         Assignment Facility
  10. ·         Assessment Facility
  11. ·         Discussion forums
  12. ·         Live to stream

A flipped classroom is an instructional approach that reverses traditional learning. Instead of delivering instructional content in the classroom, it provides the same to learners often online. In a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, carry out research at home, and further in the classroom they discuss and analyze with a tea break.

In the delivery of On-Line Learning, LMS is an essential requirement and it must be taken as a serious concern.

(Prof. Vandana Punia, Human Resource Development Centre. Guru Jambheshwar University Of S&T, Hisar. She is also the Course Coordinator of National Resource Center, Pedagogical Innovations and Research Methodology.  (MHRD, Govt. of India).


Preparing Teachers for 21st Century: Learn, Unlearn and Relearn

21st century is having the characteristics of globalization, fast-changing, and technology-based economy where social relationships are interwoven through digital tools and technologies.  In the same manner, Educational experiences are now in the transformational stage. Vision of 21st century pedagogy is quite different from 20th-century pedagogy in conceptualizing the curriculum with respect to the subject matter, pedagogy, and diverse skills. The pedagogy of the 21st century is based on Ps i.e. Participation, Production, Personalization, and Cs i.e. Creativity, Critical Understanding, Communication and Collaboration. Moreover, students of this century are a digital native. The utmost requirement of twenty 21 century pedagogy is learning skills through digital learning experiences with reference to rethinking the role of teachers. Alvin Toffler has strongly stated that literate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn. This is now an emergent status quo for teachers to unlearn the previous trends and practices of teaching with regard to the past century and relearn present techniques and tactics of the millennium trend.

UNESCO stated that all teachers must harness technology for teaching excellence. This is a famous statement that technology can never replace great teachers, but in the hands of great teachers, it can be transformational. Technology helps make teaching, learning, and research more meaningful and enjoyable. There are a number of powerful technology tools in the classroom learning that teachers can use in the classroom that goes beyond textbooks. Digital skills and competencies will always be the ground on which education of the 21st century will grow and thrive. The teacher of the 21st century must be reflective and recognize their role as active practitioners who assume their responsibility in building skills among students with regard to critical understanding, communication, collaboration, and creativity along with technology skills and media skills. Indeed these core competencies are the 21st-century landscape.

 In this era, technological supported pedagogical innovations in form of MOOCs, Flip classrooms approach, Open Educational Resources are being popular in educational experiences. This is the need of the hour that teachers must try to relearn the psychology of young people, their interests, and passion. They must try to unlearn their assumptions and biases about education and keep abreast of happenings around the globe. Of course, someone has stated that Education is not rocket science. It’s much harder. Rocket science is about moving atoms, education is about moving minds. There is nothing big as a change mindset.

The author has the firm belief that technologies can help to develop the skills of the 21st century skills in a better way. Teachers should adopt a brave, confident attitude toward the use of technology, prepared to take risks, and become students along with life. They must assist students to pursue their questions, search, organize, and interpret information so that they may develop abilities to reflect and think critically about the quality of information from the sources through digital learning environments. Of course, digital learning experiences are fundamental to 21st-century education, it is not enough to simply add technology to existing teaching methods. The teacher must learn how to integrate technology in a strategic way that actually benefits the students. Because as a millennial learner, they are advanced users of technology, sometimes it becomes useless to utilize technology in front of them.

There is another emerging concept for preparing teachers for the 21st century is the teacher’s digital competence.  Digital competence consists of digital knowledge, digital skill, and digital attitude. Every teacher must possess digital competence.  It consists of five segments as Accessing and Analyzing Information, Content Creation, Collaboration, Digital Awareness, and Problem shooter or Problem-Solving regarding digital technology.

In recent years, Govt. of India has done remarkable efforts in form of Indian Digital Initiatives to attract teachers to use technology and re-conceptualize the role of the teacher and a facilitator. These Indian Digital Initiatives are E-PG Pathsahla, ARPIT, NISHTA, CEC, etc. Teachers are provided access to good materials through technology, and they facilitate peer learning among students. In concluding statements, teachers must realize that learning can now take place round the clock and across the globe, with or without us in form of a virtual learning environment.

Unlearning might be harder than learning. It stated that we can change our practice only if we oppose our previously held beliefs, assumptions, and values. This phenomenon gives rise to a threat to identity and challenge which may affect the emotional, social, and intellectual state of an individual.   We need to teach learn to unlearn the habits and beliefs that hold back and to be open to new skills, experiences, behaviors, and knowledge for 21st-century requirements. In the end, it will come down to survival of the fastest to learn to unlearn and then relearn for better prospects. We must be ready to learn, unlearn, and relearn.



(Prof. Vandana Punia, Human Resource Development Centre. Guru Jambheshwar University Of S&T, Hisar. She is also the Course Coordinator of National Resource Center, Pedagogical Innovations and Research Methodology.  (MHRD, Govt. of India)._