- Overview:
- The main thrust is to explore conceptual foundation, instructional design, delivery mechanisms, Crisis Management, and Benchmark proposals for high-performing Emergency Remote Teaching plans. Since the Pedagogical Approach of ERT is also based on Humanizing Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Care to adapt to student needs, some other aspects include assessing the system’s current digital infrastructure (internet, device access), student and teacher digital capabilities, and budget availability must be considered while adopting emergency remote teaching. This work will prepare the school, university, and college teachers to acquire 21st-century skills and competence along with technology-supported pedagogical innovations based on different technologies, digital tools, and techniques to enrich the emergence of remote teaching experiences.
- Subject:
- Information Science, Communication, Education
- Level:
- Community College / Lower Division, Graduate / Professional, Career / Technical
- Material Type:
- Teaching/Learning Strategy, Textbook
- Author:
- Prof. Vandana Punia
- Date Added:
- 11/12/2022
महज 39 साल का जीवन जीने वाले स्वामी विवेकानंद के ये संदेश आज भी प्रासंगिक हैं